A jenny named Daisy

a jenny named Daisy
(a futuristic poem by Tim Vant)

gas is up to four bucks
and so
i’ll retire my
failing japanese import
trade it in
for some seeds
a sweet donkey
and some saddlebags

love is the only currency now
for those that care to trade
bartering in good faith

dodging lead at times
from the angry or disenchanted
might be a new world hazard
left over from old world thinking
we can make it through
me, and my jenny named Daisy

through snowy passes
over crumbling infrastucture
stumbling upon breathtaking
forgotton valleys
pristine waterways
untouched by the madness
as if none of it ever happened

the e.m.p.
the supply chain disruptions
the collapse

I don’t mind
I have my fresh supply and water
and a jenny named Daisy

we linger in an intersection
cracked, disappearing in a bloom
of vegetation
soon to be completely covered in sand and green.

The wind sings to us
“you are free now”
I give Daisy a pat
we move on
Not far from the perfect camping spot

Gazing now on a land
emptied of commerce
and other made up things
we are at liberty now
to imagine
breath in a deep breath
of freshening air
and imagine

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